1. Overall improvement is seen in drop-out rate among girl child. This will have a multiplier effect in villages namely Manjusar, Tudav, Lamadapura and Asoj in Savli taluka. It would help in reducing ill-literacy from these villages and improve social & economic status of rural people.
2. Expect students to become out of box thinker in order to reap benefit of global economy.
3. The year- round constant evaluation would help in applying corrective measures for improving performance of each student & will enhance scope of deep learning.
4. Our research paper was selected for the presentation in the seminar organized on 14-15 February 2011 by the State Council of Educational Research & Training, New Delhi on Good School Management Practices.
5. We have received the Best New Garden Award 2013-14 for Environment & Mother Care, jointly awarded by the Community Science Centre, Rotary International & the KYB Conmat ( India) Pvt. Ltd. Vadodara.
6. This school has proved that there is enough potential exist for setting up of such schools in other villages of India cater to the need of local rural people for imparting quality primary level education. India lives in villages. Until the rural India is empowered, India can not shine.
7. The constitution amendment bill (1st April 2010) making elementary & primary education as fundamental right for all children aged between 6 to 14 years, this attempt would help in extending educational facilities to all section of our society, if accepted as a model for replication in about 7.0 lakh villages of our country.